Sunday, March 2, 2025

MAGA’s Plan To Ban 69 Million Women From Voting - The New Republic

The Republican SAVE Act would require documentation - such as a passport or birth certificate - which matches a person’s current legal name to allow a person to register to vote.

Since 8 in 10 married women in U.S. opposite-sex marriages took their spouse’s last name, the bill would disenfranchise over 69 million married U.S. women voters whose names do not match their birth certificate.

The full article is available here

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Transphobia Is A White Supremacist Legacy of Colonialism - Michael Paramo

Even though Transgender and non-binary people have existed for centuries among cultures across the globe, White Colonial Supremacism placed Indigenous people in fixed and transhistorical categories. 

This willfully obscuried a reality of cultural dynamism and physical movement in a bid to contain, control, and - if necessary - destroy Native people. 

White Colonizers marked Indigenous gender and sexual variance as inferior for the purposes of asserting their white cisgender heterosexual manhood as the pinnacle of human existence.

Read more here:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Historical Pattern That Trump's Criticism Of Rev Mariann Budde Falls Into - Jeff Wiersma

On June 28, 1933, with Hitler’s authorization, Ludwig Müller, a fervent Nazi, took over chairmanship of the council of the Federation of the 27 regional Protestant churches. A new constitution established a single “Protestant Reich Church.”

Restrictions were immediately placed on the clergy. They had to be “politically reliable.” and were pressured to expel Jewish Christians from ministry. The Nazi “Führer Principle” was to be adopted by the churches, which was a claim that Hitler was “lord” over the German church.

Some German Protestant pastors, led by Martin Niemöller (1892-1984), stood in opposition. Their Barmen Declaration was written in direct opposition to the national church government — the “Faith Movement of the German Christians” — rather than against the Nazi regime itself. It challenged Christians who were attempting to bring the Protestant church into line with the nationalistic ideals and aspirations of Nazi rule.

However, since the “German Christians” were a proxy for the Nazi state, the Declaration became also a condemnation of Hitler’s totalitarian rule.

The full article is available here