Monday, September 12, 2011

The New GOP: Anti-Kids, Anti-Jobs, Anti-Business... And Anti-Republican - Richard Eskow

This is not your father's (or mother's) GOP. During a time of national crisis, the president has submitted an urgently-needed jobs bill that is well within the mainstream for Republicans as well as Democrats. But today's Republicans are a new breed, dedicated not to their country or even an ideology.

Republicans from Taft to Bush Sr. used spending and new taxes to do the right thing for their country in times of economic downturn. But today's Republicans are a nihilistic pack who would turn against everything their predecessors believed in, in the name of selfishness and greed.

I have one yardstick by which I test every major problem," said Dwight D. Eisenhower, "and that yardstick is: Is it good for America?"

Where are the Republicans of yesteryear?

The full article is available here