Thursday, June 8, 2017

Why Russia Investigation Matters & You Should Care - NPR

The assessment of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies is that Russia not only tried to influence the election by hacking and releasing emails, but engaged in a full-fledged influence campaign through propaganda to get Donald Trump elected.  Elections are the foundation stone of this country. That's why this matters.

"Please tell my constituents, my neighbors, why they should care — and not just in Washington, D.C., but in Washington state and Texas and Connecticut and points in between — and why should they care, and why do you care, sir?" - Congressman Denny Heck.

Former CIA Director John Brennan's response:

"The fact that the Russians tried to influence resources and authority and power - and the fact that the Russians tried to influence that election so that the will of the American people was not going to be realized by that election - I find outrageous and something that we need to, with every last ounce of devotion to this country, resist and try to act to prevent further instances of that.

And so, therefore, I believe, this is something that's critically important to every American. Certainly, it's very important for me, for my children and grandchildren to make sure that never again will a foreign country try to influence and interfere in the foundation stone of this country, which is electing our democratic leaders."

Russia is accused of not only trying to influence the election by hacking and releasing emails, but engaging in a full-fledged influence campaign through propaganda to get Donald Trump elected. That's the assessment of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies.

Americans should let the conclusions be guided by the facts and allow a rigorous effort to attain them, because there's nothing more fundamental to a free and fair democracy.

That's why this matters.

The full article is available here