Friday, July 14, 2017

Please Stop Calling Donald Trump A Child - Ryan Stoller from Unfundamentalist Parenting

Children are better than the stereotypes we reduce them to in order to insult others.

The 45th president of America: a man who revels in selfishness, whines when he does not get his way, throws public fits when people anger him, tosses personal insults left and right, and boasts about his genitals.

For these reasons and many others, some people have taken to describing him as “childish,” “like a toddler,” or “like a child.”

This is unfortunate, because children deserve better. Children are better than the stereotypes we reduce them to in order to insult others. Comparing Donald Trump to children is unfair to children. I know many children who are more kind, respectful, and thoughtful than Trump has unfortunately been able to be thus far.

Additionally, when children act in negative ways that mirror Trump, such as throwing tantrums, they have legitimate excuses: they are still developing emotionally, physically, and psychologically.

They are children, which means they are still learning to regulate their emotions. They are still learning right from wrong. They are still adjusting to social mores and standards of communication.

The full article is available here