Saturday, February 2, 2019

My Abortion Debate Wishlist - Jeff Wiersma

Both sides: Stubbornly refuse to dehumanize those who you ultimately may not find common ground with.

Here is my wishlist for what I’d like to see from both sides in the often-vitriolic abortion debate.

Pro-lifers: I'd like to see an acknowledgement that,  if it ultimately comes down to the life of the mother or the life of her unborn child, the mother is the one who has the right to make the penultimate unenviable choice.

In that vain, I’d really like to see an end to ascribing wantonly homicidal intent to people caught in unthinkably traumatic medical crises; horrific tragedies where a wanted pregnancy isn’t going to come to completion as dreamed of by the parents.

Pro-choicers: I’d like to see a increase in the willingness to acknowledge that - even though a fetus isn’t viable and is still dependent on its mother to survive - it is growing and taking nourishment, and therefore alive and equally deserving of a chance to thrive as its mother.

Pro-lifers: I’d like to see you become more consistent/systematic in arguing for life; specifically in areas such as war, gun violence, capital punishment, pollution, environmental regulation, climate change, and healthcare being a human right, et al

Pro-choicers: As a progressive liberal, I’d like to see a less libertarian/absolutist individualism view of the issue. I feel that there is a progressive societal interest in defending the right of all living things being afforded a chance at a good life - with the disclaimer that I fully understand that a lot of the pro-life camp are defenders of patriarchy - and seem to have maintaining that as a top priority in many policy areas (birth control immediately comes to mind).

Pro-lifers: I’d like to see the prioritization of reducing the overall number of abortions vs serving as conveniently-mobilized foot soldiers of a partisan agenda that, in my assessment, is by and large not pro-life on many other issues. Also, I feel that those who genuinely want to reduce the overall number of abortions should support sex education, contraception, universal health care, and a living wage.

Both sides: I’d love to see a posture of inquiry towards those don’t share your position.

Ask questions and then follow up/clarifying questions. Don’t assume intent or motivation.

And finally, stubbornly refuse to dehumanize those who you ultimately may not find common ground with.