Thursday, June 20, 2019

Impeachment, Trump, and The Rule of Law - Heather Cox Richardson

According to a court filing from Trump's lawyers, his justification for refusing to cooperate at all with any investigations is that Congress cannot investigate the president. Trump and his lawyers believe that he is above the law.

This is a line many Republicans are now also taking. Since they're unable to deny that Trump is lawless, they are simply adopting Nixon's argument that when the president does something, it's not illegal.

Republican members of Congress are are abetting the rise of a dictator.
And remember this: as soon as he is not in office, he's in trouble. This equation makes it reasonable to think that his "jokes" about staying in office permanently are not a joke.

This is exactly why the Founders came up with the concept of impeachment, a way to remove a bad president without criminal penalties.

The full article is available here