Tuesday, August 6, 2019

How Fox News Pushed White Supremacist "Great Replacement Theory" - Media Matters

The shooter who killed 20 people and injured dozens in El Paso, TX weekend first posted online a document outlining the white nationalist “great replacement” theory to which he subscribed. Fox News has long mainstreamed this theory’s rhetoric.

The gunman in El Paso described immigrants as “invaders” flooding into the United States, which is rhetoric that both President Donald Trump and Fox News personalities frequently employ.

Fox hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, who both have a history of pushing white nationalism and bigotry on cable airwaves, blatantly push the theory that white Americans are being replaced through immigration to the benefit of Democrats.

Variations of the white supremacist “great replacement” theory have also appeared on other Fox programs.

The full article is available here