Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why I Voted Against the Budget Control Act of 2011 - Dennis Kucinich

The wealth of America is being accelerated to the top and this bill pushes that acceleration.

The Budget Control Act of 2011, is a landmark in American history, but for the wrong reasons. It is a fake solution to a phony crisis. It provides for a radical transformation of the structure of government. It is an attack on the principle of government of the people. All this in the name of fiscal accountability.

This bill fails on its own terms, which are allegedly about fiscal accountability. The debt has three main drivers. The first is the recession, the second reason is the Bush tax cuts and the third reason is the wars. 

It is inexplicable that we are creating more space for war and less space for jobs, housing, education, caring for our elderly, home heating assistance and a wide range of activities of any government which truly cares for its people.  A policy of no limits for war and hard limits on domestic spending, coupled with hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts for the rich, disproportionately affects the poor and middle class.

Main Street has suffered a massive loss of retirement savings, housing security, access to affordable health care, real wages and benefits, full employment and massive loss of small businesses. The wealth of America is being accelerated to the top and this bill pushes that acceleration.

The full article is available here