Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Targeting Corporate Democrats Part of Fighting Trump - Mark Engler in Common Dreams

The only hope for minimizing the damage of Trump's agenda will be to fight his hate-mongering and right-wing faux populism with a progressive vision.

At a time when Donald Trump has risen to the presidency by railing against the Washington establishment and upending the traditional rules of politics, the Democratic Party’s propensity for compromise and triangulation only plays into his hands.

The only hope for unseating Trump and minimizing the damage of his agenda will be to fight his hate-mongering and right-wing faux populism with a progressive vision. This vision must express a genuine criticism of Washington politics, but be devoted to eliminating the corrupting power of the wealthiest one percent, rather than scapegoating immigrants and people of color.

In the short run, this will require pressuring fickle and opportunist politicians to stubbornly oppose and filibuster White House extremism, even at the risk of being labeled obstructionist by critics.

If the incoming president was truly anti-establishment, seriously willing to take on Wall Street, end the rule of the rich over our democracy, and uphold Constitutional values of equal rights, religious tolerance and free speech, there might be grounds for such cooperation. Instead, Trump has given every indication that he will fill his administration with corporate lobbyists and advocates of hate.

In the longer term, it will involve creating an effective opposition in the Democratic Party to ensure that Trump’s next opponent will not be another establishment candidate, deeply compromised by ties to corporate America. Rather, this opponent must be someone who can genuinely speak to the disenfranchisement and frustration that many in this country feel.

The full article is available here