Sunday, December 2, 2018

It Seems There’s Nothing Terrible Trump Can Do That Will Change Some Supporters’ Minds - Jeff Wiersma

It seems that there are a significant amount of Trump supporters who will never make an ethical and moral stand and stop supporting Trump, regardless of what he does. 

A lot of ink has been used up by people attempting to assess and analyze why Donald Trump, despite plainly being an incompetent and malevolent disaster as POTUS, holds a certain sway over his ardent supporters.

But that doesn't mean I won't chime in.

In March 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump bragged that he could “stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody” and “not lose any voters.”

Besides the fact that bragging about something that terrible is the domain of a sociopath, I took this statement to be simply more of Trump’s trademark narcissistic, bellicose exaggeration.

But some 33 months later, with his approval rating among his base of support remaining steady despite Trump ...

  • bragging about committing sexual assault 
  • using white nationalist anti-Semitic rhetoric 
  • making abhorrent misogynistic remarks 
  • committing treason for Putin 
  • mocking gold star families 
  • mocking sexual assault victims 
  • denying his part in fomenting right wing domestic terrorism 
  • showing sympathy to neo-Nazi’s 
  • supporting pedophile Roy Moore’s senate campaign 
  • name-calling and seeking to undermine our closest allies 
  • repeatedly expressing admiration for murderous dictators 
  • paying off several adult film stars for adultery committed on his 3rd wife 
  • separating children from their parents at the U.S./Mexico border 
  • colluding with a hostile foreign dictator 
  • and countless other acts that would have been nearly fatal for any other POTUS ... 

... I’m afraid that rather than just bellicose exaggeration, his March 2016 assertion was prescient.

It seems that there are a significant amount of Trump supporters who will never make an ethical and moral stand and stop supporting Trump, regardless of what he does.

It’s as stupefying as it is disconcerting.