Tuesday, December 11, 2018

U.S. Conservative Movement Closely Mirrors Putin's Modus Operandi - Jared Yates Sexton

The reason Russia invested in and manipulated the U.S. Right is because they followed the same game-plan; nostalgic, populist rhetoric that concealed an agenda to further enrich the wealthy.

The United States' conservative movement closely mirrors the Russian movement that empowered Putin and the style of politics and manipulation Trump employs closely mirrors Putin's. The conservative Right in this country is flooded with Russian money and influence.

Regardless of whether you believe in collusion or not, this is what's going on. Either modern Republicans are following the same trend as Putin's ascent in Russia ... or else Russia has actively cultivated and exported their political movement to the U.S.

So, if you believe the former - that U.S. Republicans have just mirrored their culture from Russia - then you have to believe it's just a giant coincidence that Russia obviously invested in and manipulated them and then ALSO believe they failed to have an influence.

The reason Russia invested in and manipulated the U.S. Right is because they followed the same game-plan; nostalgic, populist rhetoric that concealed an agenda to further enrich the wealthy.

The full article is available here