Thursday, July 25, 2019

Neoliberal Extreme Capitalism and Resurgent Fascism - Henry Giroux in Tikkun

Fascism is never entirely interred in the past.  The conditions that produce its central assumptions are with us once again, ushering in a period of modern barbarity that appears to be reaching towards homicidal extremes in the West, especially in the United States.

Cynical authoritarian politicians and managers of extreme capitalism have used the crises of economic inequality and immigration - and what Paul Gilroy has called its "manifestly brutal and exploitative arrangements" - to sow social divisions and resurrect the discourse of racial cleansing and white supremacy. 

In doing so, they have tapped into the growing collective suffering and anxieties of millions in order to redirect their anger and despair through a culture of fear and discourse of dehumanization; they have also turned critical ideas to ashes by disseminating a toxic mix of racialized categories, ignorance and a militarized spirit of white nationalism.

In this instance, neoliberalism and fascism conjoin and advance in a comfortable and mutually compatible project and movement that connects the exploitative values and cruel austerity policies of “casino capitalism” with fascist ideals.

These ideals include the veneration of war, anti-intellectualism, dehumanization, a populist celebration of ultra-nationalism and racial purity, the suppression of freedom and dissent, a culture of lies, a politics of hierarchy, the spectacularization of emotion over reason, the weaponization of language, a discourse of decline, and state violence in heterogeneous forms.

Fascism is never entirely interred in the past.  The conditions that produce its central assumptions are with us once again, ushering in a period of modern barbarity that appears to be reaching towards homicidal extremes in the West, especially in the United States.

The full article is available here