Monday, July 22, 2019

Trump’s Duplicity On Anti-Semitism - Rabbi Danya Rattenberg

Trump, who referred to white supremacists who chanted “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville two years ago as “very fine people,” insists that the Democrats have become an “an anti-Jewish party” now.

Trump has also retweeted white nationalists who accuse Jewish businessman George Soros of paying Central American migrants to form caravans and “invade” the United States. The ancient myth that we Jews are the villains behind the scenes, running things in secret, continues to persist in our society.

Also, consider that Trump's using of antisemitism isn't meant to pander to Jews (except maybe Sheldon Adelson) so much as to his Evangelical base, which cares for us only insofar as we are useful instruments for them and not for ourselves.

The full article is available here