Never mind that the size of government is not “ever-increasing” (see here). Empirical debunking cannot reach the deepest fear of the reactionary mind, which is that the devouring leviathan, the state, will soon swallow up all traces of human volition and dignity. The conclusion is based on convictions that reason can’t shake.
"Relying on government is slavery ..." This a consistent trope within modern conservatism.
Then there’s the old saw that the deal the Democrats supposedly offer African-Americans—you vote for us; we give you free stuff.
And yet, despite rank anti-empirical irrationality that under-girds such convictions, conservatives believe they are immune to charges of “immorality” when it comes to denying citizens government services, because they believe “hooking” people on government services is profoundly immoral.
Conservatives’ deepest convictions (however ill-founded and fundamentally flawed) determined their reaction in advance. Society using government to help people will be judged as an abomination.
But since genuine conservatives are in the American minority, as I wrote last month, isn’t it better to simply sin boldly, and let our conservatives devils have the hindmost? Use the state, use it well, to make people’s lives better. Do it without apology. That’s our moral imperative that should be beyond compromise.
The full article is available here